A. Goluri

Colegii urmaresc meciul de fotbal.

  1. Primul gol al meciului a fost al echipei care a pierdut, in minutul 15.
  2. Golurile echipei castigatoare au fost la intervale de fix 10 minute unul dupa altul.
  3. Primul gol al echipei castigatoare a fost marcat intr-un minut care este numar prim.
  4. Urmatoarele 2 goluri ale echipei castigatoare au fost marcate in minute care sunt produs de 2 numere prime distincte.
  5. Au fost acordate 3 minute de prelungiri.

In ce minute a marcat echipa castigatoare?

Sursa: problema originală (Ruxandra F. Olimid)


A. Scores

The colleagues are watching the football game.

  1. The first goal of the game was scored by the losing team in minute 15.
  2. The goals of the winning team were scored exactly at intervals of 10 minutes.
  3. The winning team scored its first goal in a minute that is a prime number.
  4. The following 2 goals of the winning team were scored in minutes that are products of exactly two distinct prime numbers.
  5. The overtime for the match was 3 minutes.

In which minutes did the winning team score?

Source: original problem (Ruxandra F. Olimid)

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